Friday, January 30, 2009

Final Assignment

In response to using technology in Mr. Ayer's English class i believe that we benefited greatly from it. Using different things like Blogger, Wikispaces, and Google Docs has improved the class in productivity. The different things we used made everything more quick for us to do the assignments and helped us get everything done with more quickly. I had a good time using technology in Mr. Ayers class and i hope he continues to use it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

There’s Daggers In Men’s Smiles

In the story of Macbeth, written by Shakespeare, there is a line that states “There’s daggers in men’s smiles.” I believe this quote to be entirely true because almost all people in life would like to manipulate people just to get their way. There was a time in my life where this quote applied to myself. Over this past summer my mother made me a promise that if i got my hair cut for the summer I could do anything I wanted with it. Including dying it or getting it cut in any fashion i wanted. My Aunt came with because she didn't believe i was getting my hair cut off so much. When we got there my mother told the person who was cutting my hair to quick take a whole bunch off and when it happened i was shocked. I felt deceived and very sad. I couldn't leave my hairstyle the way it was so I got almost all my hair cut off, when it was all over with my mom just smiled and my aunt took pictures. To this day I'm still holding my mother to the deal she made with me and plan on doing something crazy with my hair either this spring or this upcoming summer.